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Manufacturers Networking Event

Manufacturers Networking Event

Monday 24th June 2019

Do you want to meet other manufacturers, find new customers or suppliers in SE QLD?

Come along to a free event organised by the QLD Dept of State Development and hosted at 17 Rocks Chocolate at Seventeen Mile Rocks Brisbane.  

You will find out how chocolate is made from beans to final product.  There will be the latest info on govt grants for small business, support programs and you will get to meet other manufacturers, customers and suppliers.  Solaron will be there and present to the group how 17 Rocks have reduced their operating costs by installing solar power and the impact on their business.  

It runs from 4.30pm to 6.30pm on the 10th of July and may be the best 2 hours you spend growing your business all week.  Imagine picking up a new client and reducing your power costs all in the space of an hour or two.  

You can register at the link below: